This is due to a stagnation of blood in the veins caused by prolonged immobility, which can promote blood clot formation in veins. 其原因是由于长时间不动,造成静脉血液停滞,促使静脉中血凝块形成。
The Clinical Study on Preventing and Treating Prolonged Uterine Bleeding after Medical Abortion with Qing Gong Sheng Hua Yin; Conclusion: The mechanism of Postpartum Lochiorrhea is stagnation of blood stasis. 清宫生化饮防治药物流产后恶露不绝的临床研究结论:瘀血内阻是产后恶露不绝的重要病机。
Clinical Study of Internal Carotid Artery Transient Ischemic Attack with the Stagnation of Toxin and Blood Stasis Treated of Detoxicating and Promoting Collaterals Curative effect of cinepazide in the treatment of transcient ischemia attack of posterior circulation and its influence on hemorrheology and hemodynamics 解毒通络法治疗前循环TIA毒瘀阻络证的临床研究桂哌齐特治疗后循环TIA的疗效及对血液流变学和血流动力学的影响
Research Progress in Essence of Polycythemia Rubra Vera Stagnation of Blood 真性红细胞增多症血瘀证实质研究进展
"Stagnation of blood stasis" has been generally thought as the basic pathology of endometriosis ( EMT). 瘀血阻滞为EMT的基本病机似得以共识。
As a result, hemorrhage and stagnation of blood in liver and acute interstitial hepatitis, a-cute interstitial pancreatitis were observed 2 days after infection. 结果发现,感染后2d肝脏瘀血、出血,肝脏、胰腺轻度间质性炎症反应。
According to the theory that phlegm and blood stasis fall ill at the same time, phlegm is bound to lead to blood stasis, blood stasis has often been mixed up with phlegm, stagnation of phlegm and blood stasis is important pathology factor leading to pain syndrome. 根据痰瘀互结同病的原理,痰浊必致瘀血,瘀血多夹痰浊,痰瘀阻塞是导致痛证的重要病理因素。
Conclusion: Deficiency of the kidney and stagnation of phlegm and blood stasis are the basic causes of VD. 结论:肾毒,瘀内阻是VD发展基础;
Advanced stage, deficiency of vital energy and stagnation of blood are main syndrome. 晚期,气虚血瘀是主要证候。
The syndrome of deficiency of qi and the stagnation of blood is the new feature of this disease. 气虚血瘀为本病证的新的特点。
Experimental Study of the Correlation of Deficiency of Kidney-Yang and Stagnation of Blood 肾阳虚与血瘀关系的实验研究
The author considers that the main point of pathological mechanism of stroke aura syndrome is "stagnation of blood& liver heat". 本文认为中风先兆证的病机要点在于血瘀肝热,因而采用自拟的具有化瘀通络、清肝和血功效的小中风片处方,治疗中风先兆证301例。
Its basic pathogenesis is the deficiency of kidney and the stagnation of blood. An Exploration on the Relationship Between Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Deficiency of Kidney and Blood Stasis 本研究认为肾虚是骨转移癌的发病根本,基本病机是肾虚血瘀。多囊卵巢综合征与肾虚血瘀关系浅探
The increase of content of cell adhesive molecules correlated with stagnation of qi and blood stasis. 证明内皮细胞(EC)黏附分子含量增加与气滞血瘀相关。
Build of Animal Model of Focal Cerebral Ischemia and Stagnation of Blood Circulation by Qi-deficiency Syndrome 局灶性脑缺血气虚血瘀证动物模型的构建
However, high-dose levels ( 800-1 600 mg/ kg) depressed mice growth, such as retard of rats growth, increases of weights of liver, kidney, and spleen and their coefficient, granulation of liver and kidney tissues, and stagnation of spleen blood. 但高剂量(800~1600mg/kg)连续饲用,影响动物生长。大鼠主要表现为生长延缓,肝、肾、脾绝对重量和脏器系数增加,肾肝组织颗粒变性,脾组织郁血病变等。
The results showed: 90. 49% cases of ischemic apoplexy were diagnosed as Zhong Jing Luo ( involving the body's channels and collaterals), among whom, the type of deficiency of qi and stagnation of blood covered 29. 28%; 结果表明:缺血性中风被诊断为中经络者占90.49%,属气虚血瘀证者占29.28%;
Due to the damp and hot, stagnation of qi and blood stasis, deficiency of spleen and kidney, we should make the syndrome differentiation around the relationships of the kidney and other organs with the kidney as the center. 并分别从湿热,气滞血瘀和脾肾亏虚入手,以肾为中心,通过肾与其它脏腑的关系进行辨证论治。
Where stagnation of the blood type-20 cases, deficiency of both yin and yang type-20 cases. 其中血瘀脉络型20例,阴阳两虚型20例。
At the age of syndrome type distribution of indifference, all ages with stagnation of phlegm and blood stasis syndrome mainly. 年龄在证型分布中无差别,各年龄段均以痰瘀互阻证为主。
Stagnation of blood stasi is one of the important principle on frequent pain of coronary heart disease, because Qi deficiency and blood stasis coronary heart disease is the main cause of heart attacks. 而冠心病心绞痛发作多因气滞血瘀或气虚血瘀,故对冠心病心绞痛频发者,活血化瘀为重要治则之一。
This paper discusses the Retention of Phlegm and Fluid, stagnation of blood all COPD is an important pathological factors, and the mutual influence between the phlegm and blood stasis, transformed into each other, cementation infestation, resulting in recurrent COPD, persistent cured. 本文论述了痰饮、血瘀皆是COPD的重要病理因素,且痰瘀之间相互影响、相互转化,胶结为患,导致COPD反复发作,迁延不愈。
My teacher think gastric postoperative complications of disease in the stomach, spleen and stomach is the pathogenesis of this, and the stagnation of qi and blood stasis, wet Yun, phlegm, heat Yu, stagnation is the standard of the disease. 吾师认为胃术后并发症病位在胃,脾胃虚弱是病机之本,而气滞、血瘀、湿蕴、痰阻、热郁、食滞为疾病之标。
"phlegmatic hygrosis and stagnation of blood uterus" PCOS represents a major ( base) pathology, but can not cover all of its pathogenesis pathological state, in the process of diagnosis and treatment of PCOS, attention and physical outlook, combined with the overall concept. 痰瘀胞宫代表了PCOS的一种主要的或者是基础的病理机制,但不能囊括其发病过程中所有的病理状态,在诊治PCOS的过程中注意与体质观、整体观结合。
By statistical analysis, and stagnation of Qi and blood stasis shows weak correlation with disease. 经统计学分析,血瘀与气滞与病程呈现同向微弱相关性。
Objective: To Develop a Chinese herbal compound preparation "xiang gui soft capsules" for the treatment of dysmenorrheal due to stagnation of qi and blood stasis and study the preparation technology, quality standards, formulation stability, pharmacodynamics. 目的:研制用于治疗气血瘀滞所致痛经的中药&香归软胶囊,对其进行制备工艺、质量标准、稳定性、药效学研究。